Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's 10:33 at night and I should not be blogging...

but since I don't want to clean the kitchen, or tape up all the preschool art that needs to be on the walls for Halloween-Fest joy school style tomorrow, or finish my daughters' halloween costumes (yes, plural daughters need their costumes finished, by tomorrow people), or make the pumpkin bread that should be ready for halloween fest, or set up John's office to act as the self contained preschool room it has had to be this week, or clean off the library table in preparations for glue-ing tissue paper pumpkins in the morning, or go put Porter on the toilet in his sleep so he doesn't wet the bed, or pick up the den so it doesn't look like a trash pit, or wash my face, put on my pajamas and say my prayers in preparation to sleep...

I am blogging.

I might watch "the office" too, haven't decided. And I've seriously toyed with the idea of going upstairs and starting a scrapbook page (because I am 3 weeks behind in my $100 scrapbook class that lasts 8 weeks, and did I mention I am 3 weeks behind? I am).

I believe this is called "magical thinking" because as I sit here and ramble to you I have some vague notion that some little magic fairy is going to fly in through Cooper's dog door and make the kitchen clean again and perhaps finish the costumes too. I can really manage the rest in the morning,that is, if I don't stay up all night and just get it done.

Wait, no one but me is going to get up when the alarm goes off. John is not going to be with me to run scripture study or to help the kids get off to school. Shoot

What am I doing blogging? I've got so much to get done!
catch ya later.


  1. Your little magic fairy needs a little magic fairy of his own right now...

  2. I like that picture. I see happiness in your face.

  3. I wish I could be there to be your fairy! Hang in there, I love you!

    PS- and it was really great to talk to you think morning!
