Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Brynley in BLOOM

A friend from Utah recently phoned to check in. Her daughter and my Bryn have been friends for a few years, and she inquired as to how my Brynley BOO is doing here in Texas. I had nothing but great words. She is helpful, organized, creative, kind, thoughtful, spiritual and fun. she is fit, she is fun, she is good. My friend mentioned this "magical age" young enough to want Mom to be pleased, old enough to really contribute and help.

I don't know that it's an age. I think it is just my daughter.

She is divine. Not perfect, but I can see the strength and virtue just ooze out of her. Other kids gravitate to it, her little sisters (even Madi most of the time) admire it. Her mom is grateful for it. She is learning who she is. And I don't mean that she's learning about her talents and abilities; though that is certainly happening in her life right now with gymnastics, academics, compassion and creativity.Piano, her least favorite and even loathed talent, is even coming along which speaks to Bryn's self discipline more than any other endeavor she is involved in right now. Her reading skills are off the charts, her teachers all adore, and for very good reason. But, I mean she is learning WHO she is; the daughter of God that is her is beginning to wake up to the truth that she, like all of us, is divine. Her nature leans toward good, her desires are to become something better, her determination is fixed, and I am in awe of her.

Thanks for being my Boo. Thanks for wanting me to stay with you as you fall asleep. Thanks for telling me I am your best friend Brynley Ann. I couldn't ask for a better friend than you, and I hardly deserve all the devotion and kindness you show to me daily. Thanks for all your help, your patience when I am short, your ease of nature with your baby sister. All the mornings we wake up to find Lucy cuddled with you in your bed.

You are a wonder to me my Bryn. I am so glad you are a Graham, and that you are mine to rear and adore!


  1. I am so proud to claim Bryn as one of my greatest friends too. Who knew an aunt could look up to her niece so much?

  2. You two Girls are so lucky to have each other. Love you guys, hope to see you soon

  3. Gee, who does this remind me of? The second oldest who helps her mom so much (especially with the youngest child) and who all her younger siblings look up too. Maybe genetics have a little to do with it? :)

    You are pretty awesome yourself Katie! Thanks for all the times you snuggled me when I was a baby.

  4. man, makes me miss you guys all the more. glad to hear Lucy has found aspot she prefers more than the floor. love you Brynn. wish you were closer so I could hire you to babysit and be admired by my three!
