Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Trick or Treating Texas style...

Thanks to our great neighbors the Wrights, we enjoyed a very fun form of Trick or Treat this Halloween. After inviting neighbors to eat pizza and jump in their bounce house, we all climbed on the back of the boat trailer; which had been decked out with floor boards and hay bails for sitting, and we were driven around the subdivision to be let out to trick or treat the streets. Mr. Wright and most of the parents hung off of the truck, while the kids and some of us parents sat on the hay bails and creeped through the neighborhood streets. Fun huh? We had a great time, and the kids came home with sacks full of sugar...

yes, that is Lucy with 3 lollipops in her mouth at one time. This is what happens when mom turns a blind eye for one minute in the presence of halloween SUGAR.


  1. Turning away from the hideous scene is about all you can do when your child is on their 4th sucker for the evening. It was torturous for me :)

  2. Looks like so much fun! I thought sucking on 3 lollipops at one time was eating a lollipop Texas style. Everything is bigger in Texas right!?!

  3. I HAD to resort to handing out candy on FAST Sunday in YW (to be eaten later! yea right..) just to get SOME of it out of my house! out of sight out of mind is working for the time being. bring on those training miles!

  4. I've had the picture of Lucy in goggles as my cell phone wall paper for months. But I might have to switch it to Lucy with Lolly Pops. That one is great!
