Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am without a title

so, I don't even have a cute title for this post. See the dishes, the ones overflowing from the sink? How about the completely cluttered and messy counters? And can you see the 1/4 inch of filth on the floors?

This is the scene after ONE night of not getting the dinner dishes taken care of because we had to rush off to an activity (the activity was totally worth it; I'll post about it tomorrow). We had to take "sweet bread" for 25 to the activity (per Bryn's volunteering us because she loves Aunt Susan's zucchini bread, such a sweet-tooth that child). Add "sweet bread" dishes to one night of spaghetti and salad and you've got what you see in this photo. Yes, it takes that many dishes to feed the plethora of children who are my every moments occupation.

And after the activity? I had to help Porter with a Turkey project that was due the next day (couldn't color, had to cut and glue strange things from our house on a paper turkey). My studio looks like this photo, only instead of dishes you'd see scraps and bits of fabric and paper, and a bit of felt and glue all over the table and floor in the space that is supposed to be my creative sanctuary.

The kids went without much needed baths. I went without a work out. The pace is getting to me friends. I have very little scheduled in the lives of my children...and the pace is still getting to me.

So I stayed up late and did the dishes. The floors? They still are filthy but I"ll get to them this morning. The girls under 5 in my house are getting more than their siblings before in the way of educational television while I try to keep our heads above water (or above dirty dishes as the photo illustrates.)

the pace friends, I tell you, is getting to me.


  1. The joys of a wife who is widowed to their husband's job. I'm with you with some of those messes. My kitchen floor is pretty gross. It's so sticky it might just pull a sock off your foot. I'm still amazed at all that you do with your 6 kiddos.

    Hang in there!

  2. Love you KT! Hang in there!

  3. T minus two weeks to Thanksgiving and I know who I am most grateful for. "Mop floor" is first thing on my list for tonight. See you then.

    Aside: which is worse, to sound pointy-headed or uneducated? I chose the latter. The former would be, "I know for whom I am most grateful." Why does the English language force is to make this choice?

  4. As long as we keep relationships with kids, husband, God, and friends the #1 priority, even over dishes and floors, we are doing alright! We have failed when we care too much about having an immaculate house and relationships get put on the back burner because of it.

  5. Hey all is well on the homefront when you have a husband who is grateful for you and willing to get his hands dirty....that's a good husband.. thoughtful

  6. and the amazing thing about it all: even your messes are all color-coordinated! ;-)

  7. if you want to come over I'll do the dishes for a little.... I am doing them anyway! wish Ic ould lend a hand. love you.

  8. I know about the pace. It is like I see my life flying by as I am in an all out sprint to keep up, only to always be a few strides behind. Meanwhile the kids are growing up so fast. "Stop!" I want to shout out. "Let me get caught up so I can enjoy all of this with you!" I am realizing that I will never get caught up! I am learning to "Treasure the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less..." (Anna Quindlen)

    It is so hard! Nothing I would rather be doing, but hard nontheless. I have a blog now, Come and see my messes! :)

    We are in the trenches of motherhood. Let's hang in there, girl, we can do it...or, rather, in the strength of the Lord we can do ALL things (including raising six children :).

    Love ya,
