Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Praiseworthy Porter

This boy is full of surprises these days, and I am loving it. I never know if he will pitch a fit or throw his arms around me with oozing affection, but every surprise reaction is an endearing term of affection for me right now.

For example. Each year the children's ministry-called PRIMARY-favors the congregation with a worship program. It is tender and well orchestrated, with songs of praise and words of wisdom spewing from the mouths of babes. Last Sunday was our congregation's primary program; and Porter did it up in style.

First, the part he was asked to memorize went like this "I can prepare to be a missionary by praying and reading the scriptures." For starters, Porter has begun to actually pray and read his scriptures, unprompted, since he was asked to learn this part two weeks ago. At night when I put him to bed, tuck him in and hear him pray we read a story together. Then, as i go to do likewise for his siblings, he asks for his scriptures so he can read and ponder before sleep. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Next, Porter has struggled to get his tongue to say "RRRRR" and has from his beginnings substituted the sound "WWWW", but that would absolutely not do for this part. He has for some time been working on this illusive sound, and we often hear him saying it with great emphasis as he tries to make it stick. That was certainly the case on Sunday when he confidently went to the microphone and spoke to the congregation about pRRRaying and RRRReading!

Last, the closing song for the children was a family favorite, and a song we often sing before our own family scripture time each morning. "Called to Serve" is a rousing marching tune, with a great accompaniment. In the mornings when we sing a'capella, we often improvise on that accompaniment and add a little drumming on the table top to keep the beat. -As the children began to sing this fantastic church hymn it was clear that Porter was feeling the message and the beat. He began to dance, shoulders and torso still but fanny, hips and legs moving methodically and rhythmically to the tune. He knew every cue, he could emphasize every beat...and he did so while standing right where most of the congregation could see him. I've had emails, phone calls and general comments from friends in the congregation who appreciated Porter's back up and would like to see him in concert again at some future date...

Time I get to spend holding this little boy who is learning to be big is so precious to me right now. I am in awe of who he is becoming, and so very glad to be his mom. I love you Porter-boy! So happy you are one of our Grahams!


  1. since your phone call on Friday, and then again yesterday, Ella has told me several times how much she is missing "the Grahams". this post made me miss you even more, too. I can just picture it. let us know when you have the concert scheculed...

  2. Kate you do such a good job letting your kids know how special they are! I find myself thinking WWKD, that's right What Would Katie Do, whenever I'm trying to figure out how to be a good mom.

  3. And the kid is so cute to boot! I am so impressed by the self motivation he is showing - he really does remind me a whole lot of Ty, I mean who ever gave Ty the idea to memorize poetry, probably heard it some where and it stuck, the next thing you know Frost is spewing out of his mouth! Soundling like Porter has some of that motivation himself. Tell him his aunt Jessa thinks he is super cute, and super smart, and if she were there she would give him a big wet kiss! (he'd love that :))

  4. How I wish I could have seen your Primay program. Ours was sunday as well. There were so many things that we thought Alex, on the front row of course, was going to do...it was as if I could see the thoughts flash through his mind. But he did not do them! Even as the program wore on, when he did not know the words to the songs. He was wiggly but great1 He did not spit on his hand and rub his eyes with the wet hand, or pull down the microphone or drum on the pulpit he was standing and sittiing next to the entire time.
    He knew every word to I am A child Of God, the first song sung and I am so proud of him. My hope is he will throw himself into the Primary Program as Porter has done and pray and read as well.

    Way to go Porter, you are a great example and just a really cute kid as well! Love you, Grandma Noodle
