Wednesday, December 03, 2008

photos from my camera...

eh hem, this is what it looks like to go Christmas shopping with daughters Lucy and Molly. Nap deprived youngest one is tormented by sugar hyped older one. Bring on the cheer everybody!
This is what it looks like to sit in on a demonstration by a revolutionary war soldier (at least a man who acts, speaks and lives revolutionary war soldiering as a hobby and pastime). This was a fascinating 30 minutes experienced at our elementary school for the 5th grade colonial days celebration. Now I know even more that I am thankful to the men and women who founded this country, and I wish we were all a little more willing to make the sacrifices they did in order to humbly enjoy the freedoms they earned for us.
and finally, this is what it looks like when Bryn poses with her schoolmates, dressed in colonial attire. Another eh hem, she is wearing an old PROM DRESS of MINE. Her teachers (all at least 10 years younger than I and, of course, not nearly as "modesty minded" as I was back in my high school days...) could not believe I wore something that covered my neck, went down to my ankles and covered my arms, completely, to a dance. Funny, my date back then couldn't believe it either...

but doesn't she look like a regular pilgrim? That WAS the look I was going for those many proms ago...

how is your Christmas shopping coming along? As you shop, think about the ideas put forth in this little bit of spiritual enlightenment.

Happy Wednesday...


  1. a) Awesome shot of the girls. Perfectly captures Lu's typical "my lap" frustration with some well-done passive aggressiveness from Molly (vastly prefer this to the screaming).
    b) I don't even know what to say about that as a prom dress. I'm quite sure it is not simply a matter of passing fads though.
    c) Bryn can almost fit into your prom dress. *cry*
    d) Given that you dressed like a pilgrim at prom, can I get a bye for wearing acid-washed jeans?

  2. Next time you want to go shopping, bring your two girls over to play with my two girls. They'd have a good time.

  3. Thanks for the picture of the dude in tights. I good reminder to me that there are many hobbies more dorky then chicken raising my husband could be into! At least chicken raising does not require a costume or talking with an accent! Although he does often come how from shows with some sort of cowboy/back country southern drawl that hangs around for about 24 hours.

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Katie, that is too funny about your dress. I gave a few moms in the neighborhood a good laugh when I wore my pink taffeta choir dress to host my daughters princess birthday party. Those old dresses do come in handy.

  5. Katie, you did not wear that dress to prom...homecoming or something but not Prom, and it was very much part of the fashion in "those days".

    I hope the revolutionary actor made as good an impression on the 5th graders as he did on you.

    Great shot of the girls. so glad you got to GO Christmas shopping.I am about to enter panic mode.l

  6. P.S. I think Jenny's comment is a hoot! Thanks for the good laugh!
