Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving By the Numbers

1 beautifully basted, delectably stuffed Turkey, John having been our chef of the day.
2 beloved house guests (it was so fun, thanks for coming!)
3 different types of dessert (can you say New York pumpkin cheesecake?)
4 days with John at home and not on the road (this statement, buried in all the others, was the best part of the whole entire holiday. You can not know, dear readers, how THANKFUL I am for this man.)
5 dozen refrigerator rolls (Katie does not know how to make a single recipe...)
6 enjoyable, slightly bored, sometimes difficult but always adored children
7 strands of big white lights strung on the roof line of our house (at the physical peril of my dear husband and his brother, thanks Men!)
8 huge Rubbermaid bins hauled down from the attic to reveal Christmas decorations to deck our halls.
9 feet of Christmas tree, bought on the cheap to stand in nobility over our month of holiday celebration.
10 x 10 dollars spent just to take our crew to the movies Thanksgiving night (who can say "inflation"?)

a wonderful long weekend. No pictures were taken that I can find-too busy enjoying the moments to capture them on film. May I say the over arching wonder of Thanksgiving this year were the sermons offered in church yesterday. They centered on Gratitude, and they were edifying and humbling all at once. May we all concentrate on making ours a more grateful heart, creating more grateful homes and becoming a more grateful nation.

Happy Holidays to come!


  1. Sounds like such a perfect holiday! Missed you guys, can't wait until next year! ;)

  2. Someone else made the rolls for our feast this year and they were great! Just wish there had been 5 dozen of them.

    But, aw, we have to do Christmas? This is were I really miss my girls living at home! It's just me vs Dad in the decorating department and traditions! Poor Alex he will be Christmas traditon challenged
