Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another thoughtful friend...

Last Wednesday Mrs. Sharon Cliff phoned to see how I was doing. I had determined to go with her to Dallas that day to work and worship in the Dallas Texas Temple. But my service was meant for other things-as Lucy and Molly needed a sick day from school to recover from green snotty noses (and eyes, and ears...). Sharon sensed the "wo-is-me" in my voice as I left the message that I would not be joining. She went without me, which is certainly as it should be. When it comes to worship, its best done solo anyway.

Sharon, on her way home from the Dallas Texas Temple, stopped by the bakery that makes the best piece of cake on the face of the Earth. And she bought me the last little slice (and 6 sparkly heart shaped cookies for my children to pack in their lunches next day)

Can you believe she gave ME the last slice of cake perfection from Panini Bakery? She did.

That temple worship brings out the best in all of us. Not that Sharon wasn't charitable and kind and thoughtful before her trip to the Temple, but it is PANINI cake after all.
Thanks Sharon, for giving me something to smile about on a day when smiling didn't come so easy.


  1. OK, so tell me about this bakery and this cake. I know John brought you a whole cake on one of his visits to Dallas before you moved back, so it must be good. Do tell.

  2. Makes me so happy to hear the nice things people are doing for you while away from family - makes me feel like my prayers are being answered.

    And we are so going to that bakery when I am there next month, can't wait!

  3. Having often times been in the I was going to the Temple, but someone needed me, boat. It always seems to be a little more disappointing.

  4. I can't wait to be able to go to the temple with you every month. that would be nice.

  5. http://www.paninicakes.com/

  6. Today I am going to help at Anna's valentines party... and I do believe I'll be wearing the earrings MY thoughtful friend handed to me the moment I admired them. : )

    ...now how can I make that cake?! I am reminded of the episode from Friends where Monica makes batch after batch of cookies trying to replicate the perfect match to Phoebe's (can't remember why the recipe was lost).

    I'll get it someday.
