Monday, February 09, 2009

Last week's great moment

Was on Wednesday evening. Despite the craziness of dragging little children out to a winter track meet (with bigger children stranded at their church activity day because mom cannot be in two places at one time...) I watched my oldest kid cross his first finish line. A 1.5 mile course in 10minutes22seconds. Pretty awesome for his first race. He wasn't the fastest, wasn't the slowest and I was certainly the proudest parent there.

It isn't that he is running fast, it isn't even that he passed other runners during the course of his race. It's that he is trying new things, putting himself out there where he could potentially fail and trying hard to succeed. It's that he loves the running enough to get his own work out gear in his back pack, put his own after school snack in his bag and get his own homework turned in on time so he can run day after day.

Its that in that 10 minutes and 22 seconds I saw my kid grow older and wiser. That was last week's great moment.

Five meets to go. Five more times my other kids will be inconvenienced so I can support their brother (who we seem to never-endingly support these days in so many other ways). Five more chances to see him mature in 10 minutes 22 seconds (or less).


  1. those legs were sure built for running! Congrats Mason!

  2. really? is that the same kid we ran with last summer? amazing!!! yell extra loud for me next time - wish we could be there too!
