Monday, February 23, 2009

From John

Who spent some of the weekend pouring over websites all about photography, when he wasn't doing dishes, making Sunday dinner or hugging his wife. He also ran 8 miles (with me and Mason as companions), did lots of dishes, took care of kids while I took Bryn to her gymnastics meet, and read not only his scriptures but also some heady book about the world economy.

That's my guy. Enjoy.

Tomato Soup!

4 T unsalted butter
2 onions, thinly sliced
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 cans (35 oz. each) plum tomatoes, with their juices
8 large fresh basil leaves, slivered
Pinch of sugar
Salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
4 cups chicken stock/broth
1/2 t allspice, ground
2 cups heavy or whipping cream

1. Melt the butter in a large soup pot. Add the onions, carrot, and
garlic. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables have wilted, 10 minutes.
2. Add the tomatoes and their juices, basil, sugar, and salt and pepper.
Cook for 5 minutes. Then add the stock and allspice, and slowly bring to a
boil. Reduce the heat, partially cover, and simmer for 50 minutes.
3. Puree the soup, in batches, in a blender or food processor. Return it to
the pot, add the cream, adjust the seasonings, and heat through.



  1. Sharon, I'll put up the tortilla soup recipe when I get back to D. By the overexposure and poor white balance, it's clear why I need to read about photography...

  2. And I should say, it's actually Lukin/Russo that made this recipe not me. The New Basics is one of my top ten cookbooks.

  3. now can you recreate the tomato soup from soup kitchen here iin slc? it's the only one my John will eat and have comfort issues like katie. but I am not your wife so it's just a challenge from a very nice SIL.

  4. Thanks for the recipe. I LOVE homemade tomato basil soup, and have about four different recipes, because I'm always searching for the perfect one. Can't wait to try this one!

  5. Your search is over.

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Yeah! Thank for the recipe. I can't wait to try it.

  7. Thanks for the recipe! My hubby broke his toe this morning - he slipped on the stairs :( I've heard tomatoes, garlic, and onions have healing powers. If anything, he'll feel loved!

  8. How did you KNOW I was going to request it and more cooking with John episodes?!

    The root beer granita was an interesting idea, too. You may have mac-n-cheese secretly, Katie, but whenever I'm around it's all very yummy good stuff.
