Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some things that are currently helping me smile

not that things should be the motivation for happiness or anything, but there are a few things that have brought the downturned corners up my mouth decidedly up these last few days...

the fresh flowers we bought for last weekend's real estate open house (which apparently no one attended, sigh). Having beautiful spring jewels bedside just has to make me happy, right? And the red tulips in my kitchen that stretch toward the sun are little heavenly masterpieces.

The photo art of my children's feet that is fastened to the wall above my toilet makes me smile every time I head into the water closet. I even like the little way I made the ready-made frame fit the odd sized photo. Numbers (like 8 for 8 grahams or 6 for 6 kids) and letters (in particular the letter G) are ultra symbolic for me and I like scattering them about in odd places through out our home.

And finally I love the new settee set we (meaning I with John's reluctant but doting nod to indulgence) have in the den (den is used loosely here, all of you would say "great room" but I just cannot come to terms with that term, so I call it the den even though the ceiling is high and it is a room of great proportion just off of the kitchen). The Swedish lines of the pieces, matched with the casual linen fabric and all the white accents just bring a sense of nostalgia and total satisfaction when in my view.

so, happy viewing to you. What makes you happy these days?


  1. Temp's in the high 50's in February! Hurray!

  2. Weekends. More than ever.

  3. Warm weather and my kids laughing together.

  4. sunshine and lots crossed off my to do list. I was just working on a post about what's making me happy - great minds... ;)

  5. Warm air and a clean room. :) I've had several projects lately and my room has turned into a dump - I cleaned up some of it, but there are still a few things I need to do before I can vacuum it. Oh and it was WONDERFUL yesterday to be outside in the pleasantly sunny day. I can't wait for more of that.

  6. Why not "family room?" It is where you have FHE, etc., is it not?
