Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A humble Thank you

Above you see a gift from a dear friend. Melissa, who lives and thrives with her husband and children in Johannesburg South Africa became my friend through visiting teaching. Visiting teaching is our church's phrase for "female fellowshipping". We are paired with a companion in our congregation. We go together to visit some of our other "sisters" in our congregation. We visit in one another's homes. We take with us a spiritual message that centers in the teachings of Jesus Christ. We call those we visit and check in on them. We bring food when babies are born or loved ones pass on. We care for one another. We watch over each other.

Melissa watched over me. She was my visiting teacher. And in the months we lived in SA she never missed. She came each month, she visited, she called on other occassions to check in on me and be sure I was "getting along" in her country. She shared tender feelings and sweet spiritual lessons with me. I became better for knowing her.

Melissa is still watching over me. She sends me email letting me know she remembers me. She prays for our family; especially now with a house up for sale and a husband starting a brand new job and all the ups and downs of yet another move. Melissa sent this gift right around Christmas time. She planned it, stitched it, and mailed it (which is no small feat for anyone who knows the mail system in Africa!). It hangs on my wall. A treasure of friendship and a gift from her perfectly pure heart.

Thanks Melissa. It is only a pleasure to know you.

One of the great blessings of my life has been seeing first hand that the church I belong to and the gospel I believe in is successfully thriving and changing the lives of many in countries other than my own. This church was founded in the United States, though we believe it to be a restoration of the very church Christ organized when He was at its head over 2 centuries ago. Still, as most view this church from its outside, you would see us as an "American church". I get that. I understand why you'd see it that way.

But I've seen this church function; with its lay clergy and its volunteer ministry in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Haiti, Vietnam, Sweden, Germany, Austria, France, South Africa and England (to name a few). We've had the priviledge of worshipping for extended periods of time (6+months) in Sweden and South Africa. It is miraculous and strengthening to my personal faith to watch people and programs function across culture. It gives me greater validation that the teachings of Christ; His doctrines, His covenants and His invitation to follow Him are true and are embodied and outlined in the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Melissa's faithfulness in her duty as my visiting teacher is impressive. But her love for me, her genuine caring love for me...that is Christlike. And that is the gospel I believe in. That we can love others the way Christ loves. And that's what my church preaches. And that is what the members of my church- at least the ones I've met in all those different cultures of the world-are living. I'm so blessed to be a part of it. I'm so humbly thankful for it.


  1. Thanks Katie! I needed to hear that today!

  2. What a sweet gift. My friend and I both have taken your idea of the letter of our last name and sprinkling it all over the home. I think we might even do it for an enrichment activity and talk about the importance of family. I love your description of Visiting Teaching and wished we could help all the women we are having VTing interviews with this week to feel the same. Hope all is well with you.
    PS HaruChan was our foreign exchange student this summer and when Becky put this Blog together for me to try to push me along into the blogging world, she put him and her own son Wyatt on there. She's a funny gal!

  3. Very, very sweet.
