Monday, February 02, 2009

She did it!

About 2 years ago I sat around a lovely lunch table with several incredible women. In our conversation we, of course, discussed our children and the constant quandries that beset good parents as they try to navigate what is good and what is best. Which talents to help kids develop, how to teach kids to work, to be compassionate and to feel and recognize spiritual promptings. Our hostess and journalist-friend DeAnne led the group through an impromptu interview on some of these very topics and by the conclusion of our meal I heard her saying, "I've been wanting to write a book about this "talent trap" we're talking about. I'm gonna get to it."

And ya know what? SHE DID IT! She found the time, she worked the material, she researched and edited. She found a publisher, she refined the text, she asked many to read her manuscript and contribute their opinions and in the end she did it.

I'm so proud of you DeAnne.

The book is great and has terrific down to earth advice. Read it and let me know what you think. But I'm not posting so much to plug a book (though DeAnne might appreciate it if I did)

I'm posting because a friend who makes time for a great husband and 7 talented busy kids made time for her own worthy project. And the result, while I'm sure very satisfying to her, was something that can also benefit you and me.

You did it DeAnne! You did it!


  1. You're doing it, Katie Graham! You're a fabulous, articulate, hard-working, graceful, Believing mother who knows. You are a mother who could write twenty-seven books on great mothering...and you probable will someday. Then, I'll be YOUR cheerleader!

    Love You, DeAnne

  2. hey need to know where to get that book!! and kudos to great moms everywhere who do it better than me on a daily basis.
