Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Musings

So I'm trying not to dwell much on the fact that I have no idea when we will move, or where in Utah we will settle, or to which kind of home (older with character, newer and cheaper...). There is so much of the not resolved in my life that I am now living with that daily dose of anxiety that can eat one's vital organs right out of one's body.

Before I lose my appendix to worry I will try to spend some time this week posting great ideas for our next pad. Like the one above.

I snapped this photo at a local sandwich shoppe ("Which Which"-its a yummy lunch!). I'm totally loving the industrial strength steel and clips they use in their decor. Here they display pictures their customers have drawn on the bags they use to clothe their sandwiches.

While traditional mixed with old Swedish country mixed with whimsical is my personal home decorating style, I think this sleek modern and intensely function over form idea would be the most awesome system for displaying my kids art, don't you? Especially since our art wall in this house has been in our garage, because that is a place we see every single day, and I want their art displayed where we actually see and enjoy it. And because my stainless steel fridge can't hold a magnet. Can you dig this for a fantastic idea? Once we move into our next and final house, I'll go shopping at our local hardware store, come up with steel cable and clips, ask John to pull out the power tools (I love it when he pulls out the power tools) and voila! Art display extraordinaire!

watch for more "future nest building" ideas this week. They are a silver lining to the low hanging clouds of appendix eating anxiety...

oh, and tomorrow is Brynley's birthday. Thus begins our "birthday every month" for the next 7 months...marathon cakes and candles for half the year at our house!


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    On the bright side, it is a good time to buy in Salt Lake. You could have practically anything you wanted. Hang in there with the selling part.

  2. Oh I feel your pain of anxiety - selling a home and living in a home perfectly clean home with kids is VERY challenging. Good luck. If I were moving to TX, I would love to buy your house - your sense of style is everything I love, I just can't put it together!

  3. KT - that is so fun, you could defineatly create something along those lines with your taste in mind. Can't wait to see what it will look like! Oh, and just one more month, and I will be there for some fun!

  4. Power tools! What is better than a not-so-handy man with power tools? It's a lame husband that's better with a food processor than a cordless drill, heh?
