Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One Year older and wiser too...

Happy Birthday to You!

Cinnamon toast and hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Gifts from parents and grandparents.
the promise of a lunch outing with mom and birthday cake with daddy.

what more could a girl ask for on her 11th? (oh yeah, a cel phone, an ipod touch or a trip to the mall with the girlfriends. But Brynley doesn't live in a dreamland, so the cinnamon toast and lunchtime outing will just have to make do.)

I love you Bryn boo. A privilege to be your mom and a joy to be your friend. Happy Birthday baby!


  1. Happy Birthday to Bryn! She looks just like her Daddy!

  2. Hurray for Bryn! So smart! So fun! So pretty! And the best part is that you are SO sweet! (stay the way ok!:) That other stuff can wait for an older birthday. For now try to enjoy the simplicity of your life and the friendship you have with your awesome parents! Soon enough you will be all grown up and then there will be birthdays when all you want is a time machine to go back to younger days when you didn't have a cell phone etc. making life busy and complicated. Love you!
    Aunt Jenny

  3. Love you Bryn! Come see a little something I wrote on my blog...

  4. Happy birthday Bryn! Hope you have had a wonderful day and you will have a great weekend. Have Madi take lots of pictures ok. And send the along. Let me know how you use our gift, ok? Love you Grandma Noodle.

  5. HAPPY B-DAY BRYN!!! I hope you LOVE being 11. That's my favorite number. As well as my lucky one (or so I like to think anyway).

    Luv ya! Sending lots of birthday wishes!
