Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A tee pee appeared in our yard over the weekend.

Bryn has been reading about Indians lately-in particular about Mary who was taken hostage by a tribe back in colonial days. Her family scattered or killed, she was adopted by her captors and shown love and kindness. When she finally was given the chance to return to "white civilization" she opted to remain with her tribe. A tragic and courageous story. Bryn was affected, truly.

And now we have tee pees in the back yard, and forts in the bedrooms. We have puppets made with beads strung on make-shift deer skin costumes.

And we have sisters clinging more tightly together, because who knows when an Indian tribe might come and take one of them away?

I love the tee pee in the yard because it means my children are playing together, clinging to each other over the threat of make believe enemies. I hope they ever cling to one another when real enemies come and threaten to destroy the delicate fabric of our family life. Too much time staring at a screen, the temptation to put friends before family, the enemy of too many activities and not enough time to play- those are real threats, and my daughters don't realize that they'll need to hold on tight to each other to keep themselves close.

But for now, pretend warriors and hostile frontiersmen can be the glue that solidifies family as they huddle within the walls of the back yard tee pee.


  1. I read that book.."White" I think. A good example of choosing the better instead of the bad and working to be happy instead of just expecting it. what a life she had. I was impressed by it too.

    It is great to see the girls playing together, just Bryn and Madi, or are all the kids a part of the fantasy?

  2. Sisters make the best, best friends!

  3. Sounds like a book Haily might enjoy. What is the title?
