Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I debated for a long time about this post...

and I hope you can all appreciate why after reading it...embarrassing to the max

Sunday morning we were frantically getting ready for Church where we would be receiving wonderful instruction from members of the 12 apostles when we found that one of our

well groomed
not messy
very tidy

children had lice in their hair. LICE people. Small pests that roam in the inner recesses of your scalp and suck your blood. Their eggs are microscopic sesame seeds of blood sucking leechy terror and they were dotted through out the

well groomed
not messy
very tidy

head of this child. All thoughts of spiritual enlightenment were pushed aside by the panic that lice is a NIGHTMARE to get rid of.

Called the nurse. Prescription medication was located at over 5 pharmacies (we have so many heads, it took the entire town of Flower Mound to cover our pharmaceutical needs on a Sunday morning). I drove all over creation giving out new insurance information (=LONG waits at each pharmacy) while John-bless his heart for being home-stripped beds and calmed upset and very embarrassed children. When I returned all heads were treated with the most nasty smelling liquid I have ever experienced. Our noses adjusted over the ensuing 9 hours in which the stuff had to remain on our scalps so it could do its job and


during said 9 hours we continued to gather dozens of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, comforters, quilts, clothes and sheets and we put them in our garage where I could throw them around and figure out how exactly to clean a months worth of laundry in a day or two (because our house in on display at any given moment for any potential buyer whose whimsy it is to view it...)

Also in those hours John played games with our children (to get their minds off of it he said) and made warm Carmel with salted nuts and all of our delicious dinner.

I was in continual freak out mode because John had to leave for Florida and I had to stay here and face the nightmare. And my head itched as if it were full of the bugs-oh the power of suggestion!

Also in those hours, and all the hours that followed this happened:

Gina came over, unannounced, and wouldn't go away until I let her vacuum all the mattresses and carpets up stairs. She later sent sweet rolls which totally hit the spot at midnight when I got around to enjoying them. Gina is an angel with a beautiful face and a wonderful countenance. She does not spread anything but goodness and joy to the world. My life is deeply blessed for knowing her.

Then Janet came over to lend me a humidifier because Lucy had croup on top of it all. She stayed on a moments' notice because I needed to have Lucy seen by the instant docs down the road. She didn't just stay until Lucy came home. She stayed longer, and she showed me how to comb through all our hair with the little nit combs to find the culprits of our stress and discomfort and rid ourselves of them forever.

Then she combed through my hair.

Janet left at midnight or after, making sure that Lucy was sleeping well and that I had sheets on my bed so I could sleep too.

In my exhaustion I forgot to kiss her feet, but next time I see her I'll take care of that. And perhaps my tears of thanks will somehow be enough to let her know that she has long been a sister to me, but in looking for bugs in my hair she became a TRUE sister, and a friend forever more. Janet has been ministering in service to our ward congregation since we moved here (compassionate service leader for those of you who know the cultural speak...) and she is well suited to the post. Her very nature is one of care and compassion. She is creative in how she serves others-finding exactly the right way to meet their needs. I would not have known how to see the sesame seeds of Satan had she not shown me how to look. Another angel in my midst.

all the children (save croupy Lucy) are off to school today, and I continue to wash and sort and dust and sweep and do all else necessary to ensure this pest is gone from our midst. Janet calls to check on me, my mom calls to laugh with me and John texts me from his far off professional obligations as if putting flowers in my hair as I make my way up the women's only pull on the pioneer trek (sorry to any of you who don't know that analogy-but John does, and that's what matters here). I am lifted and supported as my tired body works.

It will be funny soon..

As embarrassing as the presence of bugs in our squeaky clean daughter's hair is, I just had to post that angels have come to minister even in the trials of LICE. Maybe if the Lord sends Heavenly messengers for bugs so minutely small He sends even more intervention for greater things

like selling houses
and finding a place to call home
and making a trek west

Have a happy Tuesday.


  1. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has listened to the Prayers of your Family in Utah and given you Family in Texas. These amazing women are truly inspirational! I so often think "I wounder what I could do for..." and nothing comes to mind and I feel embarrassed to intrude so I stay away. Now I see you just show up and you look around and you do what you see can be done and you stay till there is nothing else you could possibly do. What great examples of compassionate Service!
    P.S. Now my head is itching!

  2. I am sure Mom has laughed with you over the Thanksgiving day filled with this same "fun" and how she begged us all to keep the secret from Grandma H. A very good memory in my mind - and as un-fun the day was - a memory I look back at with a smile. Lice happens, no matter how clean our heads are - when you are a kid and go to a school with other kids that maybe don't wash their hair - lice happens.

    I am SO grateful to these two sisters for their kindness and service to my sister. Thank you, thank you, thanks you!

  3. when these things happen we all feel sad to be so far away (or in this case a little glad our kids are distanced for the moment). but it is always such a blessing to hear of the sisters who suround and love you, by sharing support and getting in and doing for you what we cannot right now. they will never know how uch we appreciate them for standing in our place.

  4. So sorry you guys got hit with Lice. Yuck!! Your post made me cry- the frustration and stress you must be feeling and the kindness and help that Gina and Janet gave you. Our ward is a family in that we give each other our diseases (Lice and whooping cough) but we are also there to take care of each other. You, Janet, and Gina are great examples to me that I truly admire and look up to.

  5. Lice is on the attack her too. Ahsley's class jas send home letters 3 different times this year because lice has been found in the classroom. So far we have been lucky, but I fear for the time when we get it. If it makes you feel any better, they actually like clean hair more. We've been told to throw their backpacks and jackets into the dryer for 20 minutes to kill them off. I feel for you, but there is nothing to be embarassed about!

  6. Oh Katie. I, unfortunately, feel your pain on this one (minus having my house on the market at the same time). I think our family experienced our 9 1/2 year low last week. Cleaning until 4 am. Changing laundry every time the baby gets up to eat. Having a garage that is filled to the brim with garbage bags of laundry, even after 5 days of non-stop washing. Scott coming home from work to find Jessica combing through my hair in our bathroom (and thankfully pronouncing me clean).

    I am no longer worried about getting to church 20 minutes early to get the soft seats. I am perfectly happy to sit on the hard metal seats in the back.

    I hope you survive. I hope we survive. I hope that this, too, shall pass...very, very quickly.

  7. I feel your pain. We've had to go through that ritual 3 times. It is always embarrassing and a ton of work. I'm glad that you ha/ve guardian angels to make it manageable.

  8. Katie, I just read your sweet blog. (My head started to itch again)- I must say though, you would have done the same (if not more) for me and in fact have been the breath of fresh air through some not so fun moments of my life. Your smile and heart are always open and willing to bless others. Thanks for not only your example, but for allowing us to come help and for being sweet Katie!

    I'm glad the laundry nightmare is almost over and the bugs are gone! (hopefully for good!)

    Lots of love,
