Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The outward appearance of the inward countenance

I've recently learned that anxiety or stress produces a chemical in the body which can become addictive. Thus, trying to continue its dependence on the chemical, the mind and body continually find things to worry and stress about.

The major inconveniences of the past few days have pretty much confirmed what I had come to believe from the time I learned the above truth.

I'm addicted to stress, worry and anxiety...

not that there aren't legitimate things to worry about, but it seems to ring true that I want to worry about EVERYTHING just so I have reason to worry....

To combat these addictive chemicals, the most healthy things to do are the following;

1. Improve your physical self or surroundings each day; exercise, hang up that photo you've wanted to have above your bed etc. doing your daily chores does not count here. I've been trying to work out regularly again. Sans home showings and lice cleaning I've done pretty well with this.

2. Improve your Emotional outlook each day; this is anything that helps you create and confirm information about yourself. You could read a new book or try a creative process or perhaps take a class...

3. Improve your spiritual understanding each day; this is an effort that increases your knowledge of and closeness with God. Scriptures, prayers, serving others as prompted by that little whisper or feeling that comes into your heart. The key here is to mix things up; don't get into to much a routine but instead seek new ways to feel your soul grow each day.

4. Improve your Social self daily by increasing your knowledge about and closeness to others. This might be reading a book to your child, calling a friend on the phone or chatting with the neighbor.

Implementing these four dimensions into a life as full as mine is practically impossible. But its not completely impossible. I've been trying, and even though I'm still a shoot up addict to stress, I think over time my body will trade the chemicals that hype me when I have a deadline or a problem to face for those wonderful happy chemicals that come when I speak to a friend, or finish a run, or get up off my knees after prayer.

do you thrive on stress? How do you cope? Give these things a try for a month, then post here and let me know if they've evened out your addiction!


  1. I am not a hippy but I find meditation to be great for this! I know many of the things you talked about some might consider thei form of meditation. But I am talking about true meditation where you light some candles, sit in a comfortable position and put on some soothing music and then focus on the sound of that music and force all other thoughts from your head. It is a wonderful feeling to mentally take everything off your plate even if it is just for a few minutes.

  2. Taking a different look at this - I completely buckle under stress. And while it is not something I would say is a positive thing in your life, I would still aplaude you for your amazingly you have done under your circumstances.

    That said - please do take some time for yourself KT! Remeber that when your cup is full you are more able to serve with a smile, the ways you have mentioned are right on the nose, and I would speak to service and prayer as being the most helpful in my life.

    Love to you - excited to give you a break in just a little over a week!


  3. My love to you, Katie. Please call if you need something, helping you would help me too.

  4. I see the root of your problem - your photographer shot with really bad light and did nothing to adjust his white balance.

    T minus 10 hours and I'll be there, platemail intact, to sweep you off your feet, do the next three loads of laundry, put in a load of dishes (in a new dishwasher) and put the kids down after a bit of homework help.
