Friday, March 13, 2009

Mixin' it up and a little break from the blog...

after saving up bunches of points -and still not having enough to cover it all - we purchased a blender that can smoothie anything. This is our family's 4th blender

and it better be our last.

We christened it yesterday, with freezing temperatures and rain outside, and made fruit smoothies for after school snack. The delicious drinks were, indeed, SMOOTH. And that made them all the more yummy.

Thanks John.

In other news, the tooth fairy finally visited Porter. She is always late in coming to our house, but at least she does come. Porter wished she would bring him a Nintendo DS or a Wii game, and then I reminded him that this was the tooth fairy, and not Santa Claus who was coming to see him. He had his magical gift giving folklore all mixed up.

She brought him $2. One bill, and 4 quarters. Porter thought he had $6 in his hands. The subject of money, apparently, comes in 2nd grade (well, John is trying to still teach me that subject, so I guess I can't really fault the school system or my parenting for Porter's childish mistake.)

And Madi kicked off her birthday celebration-o-rama today. Treats went to school (krispy kremes, hand picked by mom) and lunch at Red Robin (the birthday child picks the restaurant, and I check the child out from school in the middle of the day so it all feels very fun and delinquent. I'm such a fun parent, right?) Madi will celebrate with birthday cake and presents on Sunday, and will have a low-key late night with girl friends at the end of the month to round off the o-rama part of the celebration-o-rama mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph.

Lucy will turn 3 on Monday, her celebration will involve a gift and a store bought cake served with song at Sea World!

And finally, not that I haven't already checked out of my daily blogging routine this week, but next week I will take an official blogging vacation. The Graham's are off to remember the Alamo. Look for photos of birthdays, dolphin watching and river walking around March 23!


  1. Okay. I'm a kitchen diva....I must know what type of blender it is. If it can make smooth smoothies and survive 6 children, then I HAVE to know. Please!

  2. Looks yummy, what goes in it?

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I want in on the blender too. McKenna just burned my motor out last week with a jammed ice-cube. Just after I learned how to make blender whole wheat pancakes:( big bummer.

  4. BlendTec blenders rock.
