Wednesday, March 11, 2009

on teeth

I've posted about this before. I cry when my children lose their teeth.

I don't cry when they start school.
I don't cry when they learn how to walk or ride a bike.

but I weep when their baby teeth give way to big ones. I lament the loss of their baby faces, their baby smiles.

Porter lost his first tooth last night. He bit into his grilled cheese and announced the tooth was somewhere in the squishy yellow of yummy-ness that was his dinner. He found the tooth in his food, held it up in triumph and then began to prance around the house in right-of-passage exuberance. I hung my head, remembered the smile he had smiled just hours before, and cried.

He's not my baby boy any more. Hasn't really been a baby for a very long time. But the gap in his smile is proof that he will march forward to manhood instead of freeze here at darling 1st grader as I'd secretly hoped he would.

tears are coming again.

and as an aside on the subject of teeth; I had mine worked on today. Half of my face is still numb as can be, had my jaw cranked open for an hour or more. Least gentle dentist I've ever worked with to be sure. Sympathy please.

Thank you.


  1. I'm sad for you on both accounts. I'm sad for me that I wasn't there. I'm sad for Porter that he passed this rite of passage before riding a bike.

    Now that he doesn't have a tooth to knock out maybe he'll be a bit more courageous.

  2. you are such a sweet person Katie!

  3. Congratulations Porter! Hope they all go with ease and the big ones come in nice and straight! Alex's little tiny teeth are giving way to GREAT BIG teeth! Hope Dr. Curtis is still inbusiness ina year or two!

  4. Just finished reading your post about the lice...that is just entirely not fun. We've only done it once, when our oldest was a little one. How are things going with the house-selling?

    How do you know Betsy Brunner?! I was in Flower Mound 2nd ward with her years ago - wondering what had happened to them!

    Please call me if you need anything or a place to crash while you have a "looker" - you can bring the kids to fish in our pond behind us - and we could use the entertainment! Lisa

  5. these are the days. enjoy it while it lasts, I guess. but if you figure out how to freeze them pleas share the secret! see you soon I hope!

  6. Sympathy. I hate getting my teeth worked on. Not-so-gentle dentists make it much worse.
