Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A rare double post day

I'm supposed to do this again in June all strong and ready, but...
it is 11:55 a.m. and I am just getting out of my pajamas. This is the second day in a row that a shower has not happened before noon.

and I'm not gettin' a shower yet neither...

I'm off to exercise somewhere somehow before I pick up my girls from preschool. Then they and I will drive to the far off computer store where our old HP hard drive waits patiently for us to bring it home from its lengthy repair.

On that exercise note...mine's not going so well this week. A 15 minute walk with the girls and my dog was all I could manage yesterday. Today I'll get 45 minutes or so with some weights and a big old "fanny lifter" step upstairs in our loft. Tomorrow? I hope I get a run, we went 10 miles last Saturday-Mason too-and we need to go 11 this weekend. It isn't wise to run 11 miles without having run a few others a few days before!

People, its time for me to move. I need some exercise and most days it doesn't happen because I'm cleaning a stupid house that is for sale. If it weren't for sale, I'd trade cleaning for running, but as it is I'm strapped to the broom, with a holster of cleaning products tied around my very soft, very squishy belly.

So, if you have any room left in your prayers, would use it up on my whiny need to relocate? Pray for a buyer. I'm trying my best to be patient and accept a time table that is heavenly instead of stressed out mother of six-ly, but I must truly admit that I'm feeling less than patient about it right about now. Any extra faith from someone who sits outside this 5000 square foot box would be ever so much appreciated...

now my work out will be 5 minutes shorter, but at least you all heard my sour vent for the day...happy one to you! The fanny lifter awaits.


  1. I'm on board, I'll go say a prayer right now!

  2. First off - the fact that you were able to run 10 miles last week has to say something! Your awesome KT!
    Second - Mason better not expect 10 miles w/me - I can do a solid 7 at the moment and by next week should be ready for 8. :)
    Third - I am coming SOON! Just 4 days away, and after a fun vaca, you are off to have a break from it all.
    Love you - you are always in my prayers.

  3. I rally wish I could lose myself in service to you right now. but a prayer is an easy gift - you are always in ours! looking forward to seeing your happy face in a week!
