Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A wonderful way to worship

We braved daylight savings time and loaded the family up in church attire to worship this past Sunday with some very dear old friends. When we lived in Texas the first time 'round, we lived in a different area entirely-and these were the people who loved us.

We loved them too. And still do.

It was great to sit in the very quiet, very roomy chapel and hear songs sung in both English and Spanish all at once. It brought a flood of memories to see a couple sitting in the rear choir pews, microphone in hand to translate the meeting into the earphones of Spanish speaking church members sitting all around us. Our dear friends, pictured above, had not been notified of our intent to church with them, and muffled squeals of "HI!!!" came from their mouths as they entered the quiet chapel.

We hugged and hugged and hugged the people we've loved for so long but have not seen. We talked in hallways and stayed after services to catch up and remember.

The 80 degree weather was nothing compared to the burning in our hearts as we enjoyed the fellowship of friends who have "remained our brethren in the Lord" and who have continued to grow and deepen in the gospel that we share.

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