Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, followed by deviled eggs and egg salad on Sunday...Eggs were hidden in the garden where our budding perennials-gifted in last year's Easter baskets-were beginning to bloom. Perennials are an Easter basket tradition, and will resume next year when we have a permanent garden in which to plant them...

This is called "mommy tax" and it is the rightful act of taking a portion of that which is given to our children when it comes to treats. How can one resist and Easter Cadbury's?

This year's baskets, in lieu of perennials, held flip flops. It is time to wear those in Texas!

Beautiful recap of Easter garb in the Texas Bluebonnets. I'm so glad John insisted on stopping here after church for a photo op. My long standing control issue has been that our children coordinate on Easter Sunday. Why do I do that??? This is why. They look, by all accounts, like they belong together.

And they do.

Wonderful Easter Feast Sunday evening, when we were joined by the Baggs Family for our festivities. So glad they could join us, made the day so much more special.

Not pictured here? It isn't possible to photograph the feelings of love and reverence for our Savior Jesus Christ and a deep and abiding appreciation for His atoning sacrifice for me. I'm so humbly grateful to know Him enough to know He died for me. And that He loves me. And that He knows who I am and hears my voice when I plead with Him for help. I love Him and commit myself to living a life which is greater evidence that I carry His name and follow Him.


  1. Love the picture in the bluebonnets. Where did you find them? I've been searching for a spot to take my girls.

  2. On 3040 a mile or two east of 2499. If I panned just right, you'd see busy traffic.

  3. Your family looks great! How I miss those Texas Bluebonnets! Great family picture! I love all their matching outfits!

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I'm so impressed by the outfit coordination. I've never convinced by hubby of the tradition of new Easter clothes (funds playing a major part). So Parlee and Emi got new dresses for their birthdays that I wouldn't let them wear until Easter:) And in the end I didn't get a picture of the kids before they shed their church clothes anyway (they did have beautiful hairdo's with decorative flowers). I might have to re-create it next Sunday, is that legal?
