Friday, April 10, 2009

So I've been Flaky, What's it to ya?!

I've been a flaky blogger this week. We made it through Flat Stanley (I got 100% by the way) and we got everyone where they needed to be when they needed to be there. And that was all I had in me. So, what's it to ya?

John came home Tuesday night and every day since I've had to remind myself umpteen times that it isn't FRIDAY yet. It feels so much like the weekend when my husband is present that it has really thrown me off (He hasn't thrown me, he has been pleasant and helpful and enjoyable). Yesterday we scooted off to Costco and as we packed the car to go home I realized how late we would be getting the kids to piano lessons because, oh yea, it is THURSDAY, not FRIDAY, and our kids play the piano for their teacher on Thursday!

I also stood up a lady who has tried to come to our home and train me to record important data concerning our healthcare expenditures so I can help solve America's broken medical system (who knew I'd been called to be a public servant? I didn't. My name was drawn randomly, and they don't care much that we are in a state of upheave presently. 'Study can go with you when you move.' 'National study, people available in every state to take your data and thank you for your service'. Sigh)

And today our kids are out of school. Someone-bless them-came in to see the house this morning between 8:30-9:30 a.m. so we pulled the kids out of bed and ate sugar cereal in the park (freezing cold wind blowing in our faces) to start off our "stay-cation". Came home to a spottless house and fell asleep for an hour or so while the kids vegged in front of the tv. Now we are off to eat delicious bar-b-que, then see a movie, go swimming and play rock band 'til I can actually NOT lose on the guitar or drums.

I do rock at the vocals.

And Bryn promised to show me how to work the wii so I can do Yoga with a virtual trainer who will tell me I can become balanced and centered if I practice often enough. Some kind of wisdom in that, right?

Look for photos of Easter garb and children looking for Easter eggs in our well-mowed back yard. We are looking forward to fun and giggly Easter secularism on Saturday and reverent Easter worship on Sunday. We've been reading during our scripture study accounts of prophets who testified of Christ, His ministry, His atonement, and the wonder and purpose of His mission during this week. I've felt closer to Him and to our children as we've read these sacred words about Him and look forward to a more personal discipleship as I try to maintain this pattern in my personal scripture study.

Happy Good Friday.


  1. You are having a GOOD Friday! How much fun! That really does sound like such an ideal day, enjoy!

  2. Who doesn't get flaky at times. You have all those young kids---you deserve a break from something and fun and family shouldn't be it!
    I do love playing games with my family. I also love the Wii!
