Monday, April 06, 2009

Oh yeah, today is the 6th of April-YIKES!

So, this morning I was lying in bed, mentally creating the day before me. The plans of a calm morning, a work out at the gym, not so much cleaning as I'm currently used to, and a walk to the little park with the girls was all swirling pleasantly as I hit the snooze.

We muddled through morning chores and scripture study. Then the realization



So, Flat Stanley came home with Porter the Friday spring break began. He was supposed to accompany Porter wherever we all went, with photos to prove we did not forget him. Then three sentences per photo. Then typed sentences on the computer. Then pictures printed, sentences printed, all presented nicely on a big giant poster board.

Well, for starters Flat Stanley was left in our suitcase while we went to Sea World. Then he got left when we went to the alamo. Then I left my poor sister in charge while I went to Utah to scout houses. She remembered better than I-got two photos taken on excursions to the book store and the local bouncy castle emporium.

So the week after spring break we reconstructed some of Porter's adventures (and we even kind of made one up). The sentences got written, though with several spelling errors.

The poster just didn't get made. John came home, I gave away my check list to the euphoria of having my husband around, and Porter-bless him-never registered that this was HIS assignment anyway (don't you wonder that about teachers sometimes? I mean, a 6 year old is supposed to print photos, type sentences on a computer, print, yada yada yada? Much of the assignment was grade appropriate, but the poster part, totally an assignment for ME).

So Monday morning, 15 minutes before kids need to leave for school, and I remember that Flat Stanley is due on the 6th. And Mason says to Porter "Today is the 6th of April Porter!" This randomly came out of Mason's mouth

revelation from the mouth of a child.

TodAY!!! Flat Stanley is due RIGHT NOW!!!

Poster was constructed by 8:10, ten full minutes after the tardy bell rang. Porter was 19 minutes late for school. He seemed unruffled. Even my best efforts at "you need to do an assignment BEFORE the day its due" with my most stern voice just didn't bring him to tears. This is a child who, by his birth order, is late to most everything he does save school and church. He doesn't get deadlines as yet...and obviously I don't either ;(

Madi has a project for her super-brain class (she's been tested into the gifted program here, called LEAP). I am personally extremely intimidated by her assigment to research the cost involved in planning a trip to Capitol Reef National Park. Lodging, transportation costs, an itinerary all mapped out. Driving routes, photos of the park, all presented in page protectors organized into a binder. Good grief, here we go again. Its due May 1. Better get started on it now.


  1. We have all had that happen. We stayed up late last week helping Austin finish the presentation board for his science experiment, only to realize not only was there no grade involved, no extra credit either. Just entrance to the science fair and a few extra raffle tickets. Oh well, live and learn...

  2. A few weeks ago, Brooke came home saying she had to do a new science experiment and it was due the next day! upon further questioning, for about a month she never told me she had to do one, she did it on her own, on the periodic parent signature progress sheets sent home, she forged my name (unaware of the importance of having parental involvement) and then when everyone turned theirs in, hers looked "much worse and different" than all the other students. The teacher ordered her to do a new one in one night and I got to stay up half the night making the poster and doing the experiment. Initiative and independence can go awry.

  3. I HATE homework projects directed at me. I believe I already went to school! I really resent these projects, as if keeping up a home and actually getting my kids to school, in clean clothes with full tummies isn't enough home work!:)

  4. Oh, memories! And I get to do it AGAIN!

  5. Oh Man! So sorry Katie! I still think it is totally lame that Porter had to do homework over spring break!

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I am so with you on teachers giving reports for the "Kids" aka mom to do. I praise a teacher when she tells me they have a report to do and it will all be done in class. Now that they have great computer labs with printers, I think all research, printing, cutting and pasting should be done there:)
