Thursday, April 02, 2009

funny bits from the kids...

"Mom, my tooth is almost out, look its staying sideways all the time" (this is Porter's second tooth loss in almost as many weeks.)
"Do you want me to finish the job for you?" I ask, hoping he says no for the 100th time-I'm no fan of inflicting pain on my kids ya know?
"O.k. mom, you can try-but try to be soft o.k.?"
-one little jerk and the tooth was free, Porter let out a yelp.
"Oh, is it gone? You kind of hurt me mom"
"I'm sorry buddy, but now your tooth is out"
"o.k., then I forgive you" (bless him)
sometimes it has to hurt a little so we can have what we want, I guess.

Lucy says today;
"can I have some grapes?"
"sure honey, have the ones in your hand" (about 5 can fit in that tiny little hand)
"can I have aladose?" (all of those? that would be about a pound of grapes)
"Nope doll, if you eat all of those you'll be sick sick sick"
"Will I blaahhh?"
"Yep, you'd probably throw up"
"Then we could go to the doctor. She would give me medicine to make me stop the sickness and then I'd be all better..."
"Sometimes, when you throw up, the doctor says the best medicine is to go to bed"
"I don wanna go to bed!!!"
"then lets not eat all of the grapes, o.k.?
When considering our choices, its often good to ask ourselves "what would happen next?"

"Mom, today I want to be PIN -KA- LICIOUS" announced Molly
"Is Pinkalicious a person, or is it a way to behave?" I ask
"Its something in a book I read with Jenna. No, Aunt Jessa. Yea, for sure it was with Aunt Jessa-when you were gone away. She took us to read stories at Barnes and Oval"

its great to remember the particulars of how other people have loved you. But in the end, to remember that you've been loved by somebody, well that's a memory you want to return over and over again-no matter who that somebody was...

Have a good rest of your Thursday. I can't wait for mine to wind down, because John will be at the end of it-in our home and in our bed-very pinkalicious.


  1. One of your best posts in a while. And you've had some great posts lately.

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Kids do say the greatest things. Pinkalious is about a little girl who eats way too many pink cupcakes and wakes-up pink. The doctor tells her that she has to eat lots of vegetables and nothing pink to return to normal. Instead she eats a couple more and turns red. She didn't like being red so she ate her vegies. Just in case you wanted to know what pinkalious was:)

  3. Fun to read and feel like a know the personality of your kids a little better.

  4. I was going to share insight to what pinkalicous, but looks like Trish has done a fantastic job of it. So happy that is a memory Molly has of our time together, not of her being asked 500 times with my voice escalating each time to buckle her carseat. :)

  5. That is all adorable. How wise you are to right all of that down!

  6. This is from Brooke, I loved it.
    PIN-KA-LICIOUS, LOL. Say hi to Molly
    for me.
