Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Photographic review

For the sake of my future posterity I thought it valuable to display here a photo essay of sorts on what we've been up to as a family for the last few weeks. This causes me to think I should also do a bit of a photo essay on our every day right now; the keeping of the "magazine house" and the running around of children would be good to document for a time a place where perfecting the polishing of the granite counter tops does not take priority over reading to a child or being on time to school...but that will be for another day. Here we go with the out of the ordinary events of March 2009;We went to San Antonio with my sister Jess and had a good time. I've written about the long lines at Sea World-but other than that most annoying day we enjoyed the Alamo and the rides. John bought passes the second day at Sea world which let us "cut to the front" of the lines, so our second experience was much better than our first. I cried-yes tears and everything-when I watched the trainer ride the whale. What is it about mammoth water creatures being nice to humans that makes me totally turn to mush? Notice in the photo above that John has Porter by the neck-I love that about this photo-because Porter is in so many ways like "Dash" from "The Incredibles"
We celebrated birthdays for Madi and Lucy. I've blogged about both, but just for this record I'd like to say that it is kind of fun to have two sisters celebrate their days just one right after the other. Hectic for mom, but fun for the girls.
I didn't have enough room to add a photo of Madi's birthday party; a "late over" with girlfriends and pizza and very expensive cupcakes and new pillowcases and pillows as party favors so I wouldn't have nightmares about lice coming in or going out of my house...because Madi requested a HUGE birthday gift (Nintendo DS in pink) we had a SMALL birthday party-so sorry not every child in 3rd grade and every classmate from Primary was not invited to attend! My guilt about excluding was overridden by our budget and my emotional ability to maintain sanity with a house for sale and full of children all at the same time ;)
I went to Utah to scout schools and neighborhoods. Didn't take a single picture. My one selfish indulgence? I got a hair cut and wandered in to Children's Hour boutique. Otherwise I was a busy bee and gathered lots of sweet information about where we might plant ourselves whenever we get to roll into the valley
And most recently but certainly not least important, Jenna came back to see us! Jenna spent her spring break (which was a week after ours) sleeping on the blow up mattress in the studio, playing with the little girls and babysitting so I could do stuff like go to church training meetings and Middle school Choir concerts. It was great to have here with us, she is such a special friend and even a part of our family when she's here. Highlights with Jenna were visiting IKEA and eating fancy cheeseburgers, oh-and sending her shopping with Bryn. I also just loved having her company.

So that has been the last few weeks in the Graham household. Not everything has been captured, but the things that were most fun are now documented for us to remember. Look out for another photo essay coming soon on the very mundane ever day that is our current life.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I really love all of your updates. Your blog is an example of what blogs should be!
