Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Life well lived

John and I attended the memorial services for a friend, Marcy Gilliland, who passed away Monday after battling with an auto-immune disease which slowly sapped the oxygen from Marcy over the course of the last year until finally her body could not breath for itself any longer. Marcy was the wife of one of John's Texas colleagues, and an individual John and I felt it a privilege to know.

I was touched by the way Marcy was celebrated today. A loyal and sympathetic friend. A selfless mother. A loving and devoted wife. "The legacy of her Christ-like life is the stalwart faith of her children." Her courage in the face of trial, her willingness to trust God; all these things which make of a person a saint and a disciple.

My heart aches for her husband, for her children who are left without her. In the peace and joy of Marcy having fought the good fight, and the sure understanding that she has been brought home to a loving Father in Heaven there is still the sadness of loss, and the curiosity of the eternal future. I appreciated the sermon the preacher gave, one in which the resurrection of Christ was celebrated and the surety that the sting of death is taken by the risen Lord. The twinge of sadness lingered that in his sermon the pastor could not promise them a forever family. He does not have that power, nor does he hold that belief.

But I do believe in bonds of love that can last beyond the grave. Sanctioned and sealed by a God who loves His children and who has made a way for them to have the joy of family relationships forever.

And in the coming months and years I hope this wonderful Christ-following family might have the peace and promise of knowing that through Jesus Christ, the same Savior that Marcy devoted her life to serving, a way has been made that she can be mother and wife forever-that death does not have to disintegrate that bond, that role and that joy. Families were meant to last beyond this life and into the eternities. Icing on the cake. Peace when tragedy strikes. A hope to cling to when our natural selves begin to doubt and we have to process the reasons why.

Thank you Ms. Marcy, for all you have lived to stand for. I feel it a pleasure to have known you and hope I can craft a life so well lived...


  1. What a touching post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Marcy was and still is my beloved daughter in law. We knew her very well! She was the epitome of a gracious Christian lady. She is safely at home with her God whom she loved dearly, and whom she served as long as she had breath. Four days before she died, knowing that she might not recover, she said these words for the ages: "God is in control, and I trust Him."
    Don Gilliland M.D.

  3. Marcy Gilliland passed into presence of her Lord and Savior on May 25, 2009. I have saved this URL for two years, and have sent it to everyone that loved Marcy. Less than four days to go...

    Don Gilliland MD

  4. Marcy Gilliland passed into the presence of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at 10:10 AM on May 25,2009. I have saved this URL and have sent it to everyone that loved Marcy. It is less than four days......
    Don Gilliland MD

  5. Marcy Gilliland passed into the presence of her Lord and Savior, Jeasu Christ at 10:10 AM on May 25,2009. I have saved this URL on my computer and have sent it to everyone that loved Marcy. It is less than four days.....


    Don Gilliland MD
