Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lucy's ready, but I'm not

Lucy took her diaper off twice yesterday and climbed up onto the toilet. It has always seemed so far away, the time when she would use this piece of plumbing, because Lucy is such a peanut she hasn't yet been ready to straddle it. But now she can. And as of last night she has decided that she will.

And I have nothing more to do than potty train a toddler, right?

We bought the panties clear last month, when sister-in-law Jody was here for a visit. The day has been looming, and now it is here.

The irony? Not one soul had come into our home to "shop" it for the entire month of May. Until now. We had a looker last weekend and another one comes in today. Here's hoping that by waiting until Lucy is beyond 3 years old to begin, she'll pick up this skill real quick-like.

Almost done with diapers...that deserves its very own musing in some future post at some future time when I can actually wrap my brain around all it means to be done with that chapter of our life.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yeah, Audrey has been wanting to use the potty for a while. Is it bad that Drew wants her to wait until after our car ride to visit my family this summer? I just need to stay home and focus on that. Soon...

  2. I bet John could do that math real quick to figure out how much money you have spent on diapers over the years. I bet that would be a shocking number!

  3. I hope goes quickly and well!!!! She looks so cute in the cart!!! GOOD LUCK on selling your home too!!!
