Thursday, May 07, 2009

Like it?

Me too. Too bad it's not for sale. We've been driving and driving the same neighborhoods for 3 days (I know the area better now than I did when I used to live in it ;) to find the perfect spot to "rest" our family, but so far no go. There is a wonderful -TINY-home tucked away in a heavenly setting that we will bring a contractor into tonight to see if we could retrofit it for our big crew. And we have found a couple of plots of land, so we might embark on the ultimate test of marriage; building a home...we'll see. We still haven't scoured all our other options, like lovely areas in Draper or Sandy, but it looks as though we might be laying a literal foundation for our family's permanent dwelling!

In other news, our school district decided that the swine flu wasn't so much a threat, so while we drive houses the kid's classmates are learning from their teachers in their classrooms. I just didn't have it in me to load the car up two days after we had loaded it down to come here, so kids are missing a couple of days of school-oh boy!


  1. Your kids are probably learning more about the world and economics while you house shop. More than most kids are learning in school this late in the year! Have fun and enjoy yourself! There is a beautiful house across the street from the Draper Temple that is for sale. It looks like you - grey wood, and a red brick chimney. It is big and has been for sale for a while.

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Don't you want to look in Davis County? I promise it is the promised land:)

  3. That is an adorable home. I know you will find or build the right home for your family. I agree, your kids will benefit so much more from being with you than at school right now.

  4. I vote for Sandy or Draper! Start digging - there are TONS of homes for sale!

  5. I LOVE the house! Hope you find a new home soon. Good luck!! Thinking of you and wish I could mail you a home big enough for your family.

  6. I've heard so much about you that I feel like I know you...maybe we'll meet one day in person. When you find the perfect spot in Utah, please let us know. We've been looking for the past 18 months and can't quite find the place to plant our roots. So, I feel your pain! Good luck on the process and enjoy Texas for us. We still miss so much about our Flower Mound life. Hang in there! These things have a way of working themselves out...
