Friday, May 08, 2009

Travel Insanity for John and Happy Mother's Day!

This guy flew cross country this week, beginning in Las Vegas and making stops in Philly, Millwaulke, Chicago and somewhere in Pennsylvania (I think). He flies home this morning, and then drives himself to work for the day. When that day is over he'll drive to my sister's house, where we will be waiting for him to help us drive back home to Texas.

Insanity for John. A week full of travel. Thank goodness he likes us enough to be willing to chauffer us home so the kids can be back at school Monday...and so I can have his company for the first time this whole week.

Still trying to find the right spot for our crew to call home. No one, not one soul came into our house in Texas while we were away. Despite lowering the price, it still sits unpurchased, a stoic reminder that our dealings in the great state of Texas do not yet have resolution.

Happy Mother's day this weekend! Mine will be spent churching and unpacking the car from the long road trip home. And I'll be present when our son, big teenager Mason, receives the office of teacher in the aaronic priesthood.

That gift to Mason is the greatest mother's day gift I could ask for. A greater gift than most any of you could ever understand at this point in my mothering life.


  1. SLC to Vegas to Milwaukee to Chicago to Philly to Newark to SLC in three days. Woo hoo. Glad to be home.

  2. WAY TO GO MASON!!! We are so proud of him!!
