Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Last Week in Review

In addition to moving from one State to another, last week we:

Had two kids graduate from two different schools (elementary and Middle, respectively)
Had one kid participate in her school talent show (with friends, she was awesome)
Had one celebrate a BIRTHDAY! (Porter is 7, Chuck E. was his only request)

in the midst of this my friends came to help us do everything from wipe out the fridge to cleaning closets to organizing the pantry. On Saturday I left with 3 of the children and endured a painfully long plane ride. Then John loaded the other 3 and our dog in the car and endured an even more painful and longer car drive. And we are now in Utah. In my sister's house. In limbo...

Look for spotty posts for a few days, and then I have some past posts I'm dying to ressurect. Happy Tuesday from Utah to you all!


  1. can't believe porter is seven year! then it must be more than seven years since you moved from sthlm. i finally made my way to the post office today. hopefully you will have the "thing" in a few days.

  2. you're here!

    i'm leaving.

    but i'll be back saturday.

    june is crazy busy, but i'm glad you'll be here now. we'll catch each other when we have a moment to breathe. which may be longer for you than me from the sounds of it.

    glad you made it safely katiegirl. ♥

  3. Yay! You are all together again! I hope that all falls nicely into place in the near future. You are an awesome family and Texas is better for having your family there! I know you touched lots of lives! You touched mine deeply in those few short months I was blessed to have you as my VTer.

  4. Welcome back! I hope the thunder clouds clear out soon and you and yours can enjoy some nice weather and find your new home!
