Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Some things to come and Requests?

I've been wondering...

would any of you be interested in hearing from my younger self? Would you like to re-read one of my thoughtful posts of a time gone by? I'm asking if you have any requests...

for the first week of our new life as non-Texans I'm going to replay some posts of the past. If there are any favorites (John will want me to re-post about the laundry goddess...) then let me know in the comments below, and I will happily comply.

And look tomorrow for a post about plans for summer. And summer journals, and the chaos of moving during the last week of school.

see you then!

1 comment:

  1. I would love that- I love reading your blog. It gives me courage- and I need it! Also, I remember your summer journals from helping at your home and am excited to hear more.
