Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Over the past few days...

This one -pictured here with her terrific teacher-"graduated" from 5th grade. Knowing she would return to elementary school next year, in Utah, for 6th grade (here in TX the 6th graders are housed in Middle School) Bryn felt strangely removed from the ceremony of it all. After the commencement she came home with me, where she cleaned house for a showing and ran errands (and ate Panda Express, her favorite lunchtime treat)
And this one held her own in her very first swim meet. She was grouped among the 3 fasted swimmers on her team, and as it was a team-only event, she raced against those same swimmers in each heat. It was a little hard on Madi, as she was the slowest of the fastest, thus placing 3rd or 4th in each event. Still, we enjoyed seeing her form and her improved skill. She is an awesome swimmer, and a pretty interested competitor, so I don't think this meet will be her last.

Friends are keeping me together here. Two great pals, Janet and Gina called just in time to save the day as I scrambled to get the house in tip top shape and also had errands that had to be done. Kids were taken, and my floors were swept etc. by these awesome friends.

And Sharon was here yesterday, helping me "stage" closets and giving interior design advice as we discussed our approach with our brand new realtor (more on that in days ahead). Things are cookin' here folks!


  1. Congrats Bryn & Madi! So proud of you two! Just think Brym, two years in a row where you are the ruler of the school! It's not so fun to be at the bottom of the pond again, trust me.

    Madi - you could probably give me some pointers, or even lessons, in the pool! Love you!

    KT, hang in there!

  2. another big YEA for Madi and Bryn.

  3. Yeah Bryn, Don't feel cheated, middles school is not that great. Much better to be the oldest in the school again!
