Monday, June 01, 2009

Two Things happened this weekend...

This one learned to use the toilet. She has such great muscle control she can pee in little spirts, and save some for another trip to the pot so she can increase the number of treats she gets and spread out their parceling all day long...

And this one learned how to RIDE HIS BIKE! after years of owning the bike (it was gifted to him for his 5th birthday and he turns 7 on Thursday) he can finally ride it training-wheel free. We rode to school this morning, with him howling and laughing all the way...I"ve said it before and I'll say it again; if I could have another one just like Porter I'd be pregnant tomorrow!

the to do list is so long and my brain so full of things to accomplish that I am a little paralyzed, but we are plugging away at the essentials so we can head outta dodge this weekend...happy Monday!


  1. Just bounced here and wanted to stop and say how sweet of a momma you seem to be. I love your kids names :) I'm pregnant with my third so naming is a biggie round here.

  2. Way to go PORTER!!!! So glad you can ride your bike! It is going to be a fun summer.

    and Lucy, you cleaver girl. So proud of you big girl! We are happy you are using the big girl potty!
    Love to you grandma noodle

  3. Yea for Lucy and Porter
    We love you guys.

  4. I told the ladies in my office about Lucy's talent. We all had a good laugh. One did point out though that if she has THAT much bladder control she is already potty trained, and your a being "played" by a three year old, haha. Any accidents are probably calculated to throw you off and keep the candy supply coming! Hahaha! :)
