Friday, July 17, 2009

An intresting photo essay...

I'm not very good at labeling our photos, usually I am glad if I get to down load them before our children have had enough of me sitting in front of a screen. So most of our pics are labeled by whatever numerical assignment our photo storage program gives them. That being the case, different cameras assign the same numerical label - which means that when I try to post images here I often get to sift through several images with the same label. It has been a great walk through my memories lately as I've come across photos I haven't seen for a very long time. Like these;

This is a photo taken of Lucy last winter, isn't she darling?

And this is a photo taken just a few weeks ago after Alex was sealed to my parents in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Interesting pair of photos, kind of fun to see my little girl, sealed to our family 3 years ago in the same temple, her happy image matched randomly with the photo of my littlest brother on his happy sealing day.

A photo of Hiep-duc (our Lucy) in the arms of her brother, as we visited her in her orphanage in Vietnam. That memory is tucked away so far in my mind but seeing her here I can remember even the smell of the baby formula and the sounds of the nannies chattering about the Vietnamese Soap Opera they'd watched during nap time.

And here a recent pic of Lucy-duc, as we toured the Mrs. Field's cookie factory during our recent cousin camp. The smell of fresh baked cookies and the memory ofhHer chatter now echos in my ears, words of love and happiness and the busy story line of her every day life.

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