Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An Outing

I've wanted to visit the Lavendar farm for many years now. This was my inspiration to finally make the trip. Unfortunately, I'm not a professional photographer and we were there in the very heat of the day (worst photo lighting you could possibley ask for!) but it was fun to be away from town. It was nice to be with all the cousins, and the intoxicating smell of lavendar was a calming influence. The farm, as an experience, is a bit over rated. We had dreamed of a tour of the pressing factory, where the lavendar oil is extracted from the plants. We had hoped for a visit in the visitor's center; though we quickly learned that visitor's center here means gift shop for purchases only...so overall it wasn't as educational as it was relaxing. But we went! An outing away is always effective in renewing the enjoyment of going home...


  1. I love lavender and those pictures are great! So captivating!

  2. I was JUST thinking about going there as I was watering my few sad lavender plants today.

  3. We arrived just before 7 p.m. when we visited. The whole area was peaceful and quiet...everything was closed---but maybe that was the charm!

  4. You had one of the best quotes of the year that didn't make the post. Was it Molly that said how awful it was? That was classic and I've already forgotten it.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Wow, where is that place?
