Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Reunions, Birthdays and Waterskiing, Oh My!

As these photos loaded our real estate agent called saying it is finally time to Sign a contract for our new house! So enjoy these photos of my mother's family reunion at Pineview Resovoir, and the celebration of my baby brother's 6th Birthday. Enjoy and wish us luck on the homefront!


  1. Glad to hear you are closing! I'm sure that's a relief. Now to get the other house sold. (We're in the same boat.)

  2. So what city are you landing in? I'm happy for you and I'm sure your home here in Texas will sell soon. Your big trial for this part of the year is coming to a gradual you can't wait to begin the next one ;-). Come what may, you are very loved...and I should know!

  3. Yeah! Glad to hear your have a home in Utah! I bet that is a huge relief! I am so happy for you! I pray that the Texas home will be bought soon.

  4. Wish we could have made the reunion looked fun!
