Thursday, July 02, 2009

Stealing pages...

While I've always considered myself moderately intelligent I felt extremely inadequate when it came to literacy and literary conversation. While last living in Utah both my running companions were avid readers, they'd discuss Dickens and Austin over the 6 mile course and I'd listen in awe, dumbfounded and with nothing to contribute. Both mothers, I often wondered when they found time to read...

I'm working lately to change that. I"m sure the fact that I am not currently keeping a fastidious house, being away from the one that's for sale, my time has freed up some. It's summer, and as part of our summer "work" each of the kids has a book list assigned them. I've tried to encourage the classics this summer; Oliver Twist and Strawberry Girl along with Anne of Green Gables and The Whipping Boy. It has been joy to sit down with one of my children and actually discuss literature. It is joy to me that I can contribute right now to such discussions.

I've just finished "Three Cups of Tea" and it was deeply insipring. If you haven't picked it up I highly recommend it. The story is intriguing and very exciting for someone like me who has traveled in foreign lands with a personal mission in mind. And the truth that one man has made a significant difference in the lives of many strangers encourages me to look beyond myself and my own and to reach, somehow, to others.

My current book is "The Hiding Place". A classic I somehow missed in all the required high school literature. Inspiring to say the least, Corrie's story of transcending evil and seeing good is working in my heart and mind as I face my truly insignificant adversities of home buying and selling. Having a place to call home in a land where my culture and religion are not outlawed, well, that seems quite enough at the moment. I'm making plans to make our new home "my own" already, but suffice it to say that I am content to plan-where in past experience the execution of those plans was paramount. I feel more content and again more encouraged-to seek the opportunity to serve others. Corrie's family always had a pot of soup simmering on the stove to offer hot nurishment to those who needed and were wandering. I am eager to be in a place where I can consistantly teach my children to see the needs of others and reach out to meet them. My desire to seek less for me and more for others is growing as I read...

and so I see that while reading, in past mothering years, was a selfish pursuit, perhaps now in the reading i can become less selfish. Losing myself in good literature is helping me to find; more of the self that is selfless, and more of the joy that is reading.


  1. I can't wait 'til my copy of The Hiding Place arrives. I love ordering things, it's like waiting for a present to arrive. I too am on a quest to become more selfless. It is a painful yet joyful journey. Best wishes!

  2. I love the Hiding Place! I just finished reading The Alchemist, a great book, very insightful, and highly recommended to me by a great friend. It is about our personal journey in finding our mission in life, it is the story of a boy searching for his. Caused great introspectiveness on my part. The other book I read recently and loved is the 3 big questions for a frantic family. Have fun reading!

  3. I loved the Hiding Place but it makes me cry like a baby.
    I loved Dewey The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World, not earth shattering but very sweet.
    I think I have early Alzheimer's and have a hard time discussing anything, let alone sounding intelligent in any conversation.
    Enjoy the reading!

  4. reading is the best! three cups of tea still has me hoping that in some way i can make a difference like that. the hiding place is fantastic! and, i read TONS via the library and my ipod. i download books into playlists, put on my ipod and viola--when i run, when i mop, when i need a break i turn it on. makes it easier to multitask. enjoy and pass on good reads!

  5. Loved "Three Cups of Tea" and my "The Hiding Place" is pretty much worn out. My 3 older kids also loved it, very inspiring. Have a great summer reading!

  6. I love reading too! I am going to go pick up that book ASAP, I have not read a book in months. I can't wait to hear all about this new HOME!
