Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A Truth Proven this Summer...

We found this sign pinned to an employee bulletin board at the garden center where we were buying birthday flowers for Grandma. This, along with other sayings and sage advice, made me think the garden center would be a lovely place to work.

Yesterday our Molly was absolutely unbearable! She was climbing on others, tugging at hair, clammoring for feedback and finding it in unkind responses to her truly annoying antics. What should I do? Time Out? Gripe and yell? How to stop the negative engergy and bring a more positive spirit into this little person's heart?

We went out, alone, to run errands. I turned off the radio and listened to her as she sat in the coveted window seat of the car. She rode in the grocery cart where Luy usually rides; a spot right in front of my face where she could gab and giggle at me as we chose fruit and vegatables, chicken and paper plates and all things Costco for the home we are living in (thank you Amanda and John, for giving us a home to live in-with you-during this crazy time!). Molly and I shared a frozen yogurt. She tasted the samples and I tried to smile and listen and interject kindness. By the end of the trip two things happened; she was more mellow, more able to think before inflicting her usual attention seeking harassment. And I liked her a whole lot more for the compliments and comments I had endeavored to make during our outing alone together. Saying nice things to her, and finding nice things about her helped me remember all the nice that is in her. And the nice that is in me too-

try pouring on the nice today. See if doesn't make a little difference in the people around you, and a difference in YOU too.

P.S. pictures of our Utah house coming so so soon. Advice for where our Texas furnishings will fit will be much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I love that quote! I have tried that on one of my kids regularly, and am always surprised at how much the whole house changes.
