Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For our Love of...

I abandonded John in the middle of unpacking boxes and took my Madi and my sisters down to the Happy Valley to support a lovely person we had never met, though we all felt we knew her very well. Stephanie recognized me as we approached the trail head, she called to me by name and I felt deeply moved that through the past year of pain and suffering and sorrow she would remember the face of a person who she has never spoken with accept through emails and blog posts. I want to be just like her in so very many ways.
Mrs. Nie is seen here after taking in the absolutely breathtaking view of Utah Valley from high atop the mountain which is home to the big white Y
This is our little hiking party; Jessa, Jenny, Madi and Me. We happened upon my dear friend Blue who had decided to support Nie and had come sans hiking buddies. We happily adopted her and visited all the way up and down the trail...
Jessa, Jenny and I enjoyed a text from sister Mandy, who could not join us but wished she could. Sisters in law were also warmly thought of. As we hiked we talked about the ways we've rallied together in our own burning tragedies. We've not had the drama or the danger of a plane crash, but other dissapointments and challenges have had to be bravely met, and we've been there for each other in those times. That is the way with families, right?
Here we are at the summit, with the Nielson family behind us and all around, cheering for their sister, fallen from the sky in flames and now rising again, like a pheonix; made stronger and more beautiful for the burning.


  1. I want each of you to TELL me about this hike. Your post is very good and I love the pictures. But even I have such deep emotion when talking about Nie Nie that I know you all felt so much more that you could express here. Lets talk!

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    That is so incredible. Nie Nie is one of the most inspiring people I know (although I don't actually know her personally). That is so neat you got to meet her.
