Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A year to learn how to Remember

We have adopted a "family theme" at the beginning of the school year off and on. It was a wonderful part of our year last year, so I encouraged us to continue.
John and I have observed that our we can benefit greatly from remembering many things: remembering the Lord's tender mercies in our lives, remembering our family and what it means to us, remembering the experiences we've had that have built testimony and brought miracles, remembering the words of the prophets, and most centrally; remembering our Savior Jesus Christ.
The daily act of remembering will be recorded in our new family journal, and the journal will be kept at the table. When a child is assigned to his/her dinner night they will also take a moment and record something to be remembered. Our Family Home Evenings will be sometimes centered around this idea of remembering, and we will daily work to remember in our prayers, with each other and in our personal lives.

I hope as the year unfolds, as our children remember facts, spelling words, the periodic table and other worthy things that they will also learn to remember the Savior and that He loves them, and in the practice of these things they'll come closer to Him and feel His love more abundantly in his life.

Here is to a school year full of remembering


  1. Hey, thanks for the great idea last night. I love your theme now that you have explained it. We actually chose a theme and got started with it in our FHE last night too. Thanks for teaching an old dog new tricks1

  2. i love it katie. where did you find the cute wooden Remember piece? If you made it, how did you do that? i am in need of some guidance on this kind of thing right now because i want to make a couple of this kind of thing for a friend, but have never done it before. i've heard of vinyl letters and such, but have no idea where one gets them. and painting the words might be a way to do it, but it's not the most ideal without stencils.

    you always have the best "programs" for your family. i should steal this one for sure, because i think remembering is the key to making it.

    it was so fun to see you on the mountain. what a treat. love you!

  3. Katie, "REMEMBER" is one of my favorite words. I have a plaque above my bed surrounded with all the things I think are important to remember. It often times helps me when I am down. If you ask Martsie, she can tell you how many times the word is used in the scriptures-I forget the exact number.

  4. That is one of my favorite topics as well. A favorite chapter of mine is Helaman 5. In fact verse 6 was a big part of the reason we chose our son's name
