A friend called and offered to have my little girls come play (I took a rain check, but so nice she called huh?). My mom posted a "hang in there" on the blog and my mom in law called and listened as I tearfully recounted the awful morning. My brother called Mason and asked him about his first day back to school. A friend brought by some delicious cinnamon swirl bread.
Little acts of kindness are such a poignant reminder that a Loving Father hears our silent prayers and -through others- reminds us that He is near and that He cares.
John made it home before the middle of the night, so he was here for our Family Home Evening. We introduced this year's family theme "We Will Walk In The Light". This talk was the basis for our lesson, we listened to it during dinner and re-visited it's concepts of:
*learning true doctrine
*obtaining a testimony
*living courageously

some visual aids were introduced. We'll light our candle (remembering the "light") at dinner this year and hopefully discuss one way we have walked in the light during the day. Our little picture is sitting on the kitchen display shelf, it will remind us that Christ is the giver of all light and truth; that He is the light we hold up, and His is the light that can fill our dark spaces and fill us, literally, with light that can burn within.

My favorite scripture from our lesson was this:
Ephesians 5:8 "For ye were sometimes in darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light"
I love the mercy of the words. To me they are a reminder that because of the atonement of Christ we can be full of light, even if we had chosen darkness (or a portion of it) at one time or another.
A better ending to this day than could have been foreseen from it's rotten beginning. I guess out of darkness light can emerge, just like the scripture says.
Katie I love your idea! I've never done anything like that before. With your gracious permission, I think I'll hijack it in it's entirety and do the same with my kids. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think you are brilliant!
I'm glad your day ended better than it started. We had Vermont friends here till Sunday midnight, and then Monday was our wedding anniversary, the kids first day of school, and cousins/aunt from New Jersey arrived for an overnight visit. I take them to the airport in 2 hours and THEN I will fill in all the school paperwork forms that I should have sent with the kids to school this morning, just in time to drop them off at the end of the day before I take Bunch in to get braces on her bottom teeth.
But after that, we're going to have a little FHE. Cause it didn't happen in the craziness yesterday. And I LOVE your ideas! You're amazing!
take it away J! I feel flattered, indeed. Check out Elder Eyring's talk from last conference for help as well, it was awesome and also deals with "walking in the light"
brilliant. of course. love you and love to be inspired by you - think I will pray on what our family theme needs to be; but don't be surprised if I take your cue as well! you do have such good ideas, and I just don't get how you get it all done! well done, sis.
Inspired, my sisters get such inspiration - you are all amazing to me. Love to you, been thinking an awful lot about you, will send an email off soon so we can chat. Love!
I like your ideas, I only wish I thought of things like that. I bet my kids wish it too!
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