Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today my mom celebrates a milestone birthday. She told us "no party". We wanted more than anything to make her happy; so no party it is.

Mom's happiest hours are spent with all her kids and grandkids gathered around her, preferabley in her home. We can't provide that today,but we are still going to celebrate!

Daughters will enjoy a breakfast "out" at one of the area's local eateries. Then mom will have a companion through out the day and into the night to chat with and consult as she does whatever she wants to do.

We think she will want to clean out her basement. My parents have just remodeled that space, and with all change comes the need to clean out, thin out and start fresh. Mom has long told us she needs the time to do this, and the help to do it with someone. So we will take turns and hand off our kids to one another so she can have a friend and daughter by her side as she thins and organizes.

Or maybe she'll just want to go shopping-and in that case we'll come along and visit as she goes.

Today is bitty brother Alex's first day of school, which brings a whole bag of mixed emotions of its own. We'll be with her through the relief and joy of knowing he's in a good place and has come a long way to be in school all day. And we'll pat her arm and wipe her tear as she laments the loss of this little daily partner she has spent all waking hours with all summer long.

We will "cater" lunch and dinner, and just let her chose to use her time as she pleases. We hope she enjoys her day and more than anything we hope she feels our desire to celebrate her in every way we can (accept for a party!).

Sunday we will all gather at the Spruces for dinner and a presentation, a celebration of the wife/mom/grandma who means the world to us.

Happy Birthday mom! We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Katie and Amanda and Jody and Jessica and Jenny and Katie H if you were here! It was a big surprise and a great Breakfast and we got alot done in the day! I really appreciate all your time and help. Come back again soon, the "project" is not complete. Having someone to bounce ideas and memories off of made the parting with sentimental things much easier! Thanks and I love you all!
