Thursday, September 03, 2009

Pears have come to the Spruces

The acres of land where our neighborhood sits used to be an orchard. I wish I had seen it back in that day, with pears and peaches ripening in the shadow of the mountain. Today some of the homes are still graced with backyards of fruit; grapes, peaches, pears and I've heard even apples dotted over the area.

We have two pear trees, now overgrown with years and left to their own devices, but still bearing fruit to our delight!

The pears are dropping by the minute in the driveway and onto the grass in the back yard. But a week or so ago Mason looked up how to ripen the fruit, and picked several green pears to experiment with. Guess what? That teenage fruit farmer worked some magic, and for the last few days we've been feasting on pears.

I look forward to learning how to can them dehydrate them and even perhaps freeze them. for now we are just eating them (and cleaning them up off the drive way ;)

A fun reason to love life at the Spruces.


  1. Jody says that pear jam is extremely delicious!

  2. And baked pears are really good too. Glad Mason has gotten involved! If he learns how to prun and take care of the trees you will have a wonderful family resource. And his interest in green and growing could make him interested in that job you thought of for him next summer?

  3. Katie, the orchard was owned by my grandpa and my dad grew uppicking pears and peaches. I have pictures of what it looked like. I will share them with you soon. It was called Mt. Olympus Fruit Farm. I have lots of history if you ever want to know more. KellyO

  4. Have you ever tried pearsauce? I am not a giant pear fan (I really only eat them sliced in salads) but John likes them and I picked up a jar at a cute country store once...
