Tuesday, September 15, 2009

History repeats itself

I was the second of six children. And I tried to be involved in lots of things; like singing in choirs and running for student body office. My baby sisters at the time were pre school age. And whenever my mom showed up to support me, my little sisters were right there with her.

And now my girls are at my side, as we tromp from track meet to swim meet to soccer game. And they cheer for their older brothers and sisters just like my sisters cheered for me.

I don't know how my little sisters feel now about the times they were by my mother's side, cheering me on through volleyball games and cheer leader try outs. But I know how I feel about them when I look back on it all. A mixture of gratitude and compassion (poor kids!) and the sure understanding that I am loved.

And that is what these two are delivering on almost a daily basis to the heroes that are their siblings.
Go Mason! They shout.
Go Brynley!
Yea Madi! Good Job Porter!

yells in little girl voices on various athletic fields across our neighborhood. Shouts of devotion. Cheers of adoration from our smallest Grahams. Go Grahams Go!


  1. Great memories for me now and for you and Lucy and Molly later! I am sure these "little girls" feel great being included in what is going on in the big kids worlds.

  2. Should I comment here as one of the little sis'? Sweet post to read, and honestly you probably do have a better memory of the little sister support then I do. I do recall the election assembly when you were running and the dude that jumped out of a battery - oh and pep club, definately. What I do know for sure is that what you and my other older siblings did for me was pave a path and a standard that I followed. Seminary, yes, music, yes, pep-club, yes (even though you maybe could have cautioned me about this one) - you were all great examples and having the oportunity to go to the same highschool as you all you left a good name behind for us to follow. Although Ty did almost botch that part, but I tried to repair things before Jenny came along. :)

  3. Oh!This better explains why I idolize you all so much :)
