Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Signs that this is Home...

There are a few things that need to happen before I feel like a new home is ours. One of those things happened last week and it is worth making mention of here.

We made chocolate chip cookies.

And we froze some of the dough, and it now waits in the ice box (next to the 7 grain cereal and above the Costco size cheese block and the Rhodes bad-for-you-but-oh-so-good white roll dough), in bags counted with a dozen cookies each, for us to bake up in the oven and enjoy.

One simple thing that means the Spruces is home to me.


  1. and the popsicles, don't forget to mention those! glad you're home is near my home, love to visit with you in person. too bad I still see more of you here... life.

  2. That is a lot of cheese. -eric

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I didn't know you could freeze blocks of cheese. I only freeze the pre-grated stuff. Is it bad that we can get through a 5lb block of cheese before we gets moldy?

  4. happy for you at that last sentence I teared up a bit... and thanks for the cookie dough reminder -- we made snickerdoodles yesterday and there is a sheet waiting to be bagged outside!
