Friday, September 04, 2009

Not 20, but 16

John has in the past several months mixed up the number of years we've been married. In this year of my 20th high school reunion and the celebration of our oldest son's 14th birthday John has been sure that we've been married 20 years.

And for some that could be unnerving. But for me it has only been endearing. Because we have been married what for us is a very long time. And we feel like we are comfortable with the fact that we are every day growing older together. And the together part is the part that matters.

Today we celebrate the anniversary of our vows, made 16 years ago right here in the valley where we now live.

On that morning I walked into a room in the Salt Lake Temple. In that room my soon-to-be husband knelt on his knee, and before me and the two kindly temple workers who were watching over us until our actual ceremony, my forever Love addressed me as his queen, and promised me there that he would take care of me. And that he would be my friend and love forever.

And then we promised God, together, that we would do our best to treat one another the way He would want us to. And that we would belong together and stay in each other's keeping and care until the end of eternity.

And eternity has no end.

And every day of our marriage I come to see a little more that my forever companion has kept his word. He keeps his covenants with God, and he has kept his promise to me. From the big things like how to provide for our family to the little things like hanging the pictures exactly the way I want them on the walls here at the Spruces; John is treating me like the queen he told me I was those 16 years ago while we sat alone (almost) in the Temple.

Which means that while we have not been 20 years married to one another, I look forward to the day that we will be. And to the day that it will be 30 and 40 and 50 and then on to forever.

Happy Anniversary John.


  1. awww!

    i'm a sucker for romance katie, and you're the queen of it.

  2. Congrats Katie & John! You are wonderful examples of how marriage should work, and I need that example. :)
