Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A farewell to summer...

Almost on cue, the weather today is cooler, and I spent the morning watching my little girls try out their new school's playground. Pears are dropping from our trees like manna from out of heaven.

I am aching to go to the mountains, to remember what Autumn is about. The changing colors of the leaves, the way the Aspens shiver with the slight breeze of Fall.

My Texas friends are sweltering still, our African companions are coming out of winter. But here, at the Spruces, it is Autumn time in its infancy.

Farewell to this tumultuous, adventurous, surprising summer.
Hello to a welcome Fall.


  1. But not winter! If i were in charge anyway. :)

  2. Or maybe Winter too, but just for the month of December.
