Wednesday, September 09, 2009

This year's daily grind

Each child who reads plays piano.
Each child in Elementary school or older is aloud an activity besides.
Our Molly (who turned 5 only a short month ago) enjoys creative dance once a week.
Lucy attends preschool two mornings out of 5. Molly goes every day.
Church activities, family obligations and a volunteer responsibility at the Elementary school.
The schedule is very very full.

But I am getting my sea legs. And we are finding our way. This year, unlike last, John is with us in the evenings and that has made our life more full and more happy. Who doesn't want a kiss goodnight from daddy? Who wouldn't rather have the math wiz father help with homework? Who isn't appreciative when a load of laundry is magically folded "overnight", or dirty dishes left waiting in the sink found loaded in the dishwasher next morning? Life with John has made the busy schedule of Fall not just bareable, but enjoyable as well. To have him pop up on the soccer field for Porter's practice, or call to offer to bring Brynley home from gymnastics. Partnership parenting at its best.

Which makes this year's daily grind not such a grind after all.


  1. Hi! What a darling family you have! My pricing is at, let me know if you have any questio s!

  2. Sounds like you're settling in! Glad to have you back in the neighborhood!
